Creepy 87 - mars 1977


  87. cover: montage of interior panels [from Berni Wrightson] (Mar. 1977)

               1) Four Classic Martians [Berni Wrightson] 1p

                2) A Warped Tale [Al Sirois/Gray Morrow] 8p

                3) A Martian Saga [Nicola Cuti/Berni Wrightson] 6p   [poem]

                4) Those ‘Orrible Passions Of ’78 [Bill DuBay/Carmine Infantino & Dick Giordano] 8p

                5) The Last [Roger McKenzie/John Severin] 8p

                6) They Come Out At Night [Bruce Jones/Martin Salvador] 8p

                7) Warmonger Of Mars [Wally Wood/Ralph Reese] 7p

Notes: $1.25 & 72 pages.  Nicola Cuti guest edits this Science Fiction special issue.  ‘Warmonger Of Mars’ had been done several years previously and was probably intended for an underground comix.  That this was an older story can be seen by the re-appearance of Reese’s early detailed rendering style—which by this time had been replaced by a pallid version seemingly styled after Dick Giordano {as may be obvious, I much prefer his earlier style., which seemed influenced in equal parts by Gil Kane & Wally Wood}.  Gray Morrow hadn’t been in a Warren magazine since 1967 yet his return went oddily unheralded.  Wrightson’s art is quite beautiful, however the best story & art go to the DuBay/Infantino/Giordano story ‘Those ‘Orrible Passions Of ‘78’, which tied in with the then-recent Viking I & II spacecrafts’ visit to Mars and the strange, human-looking face formed by hills and shadows that was photographed on the Martian surface.  This was, perhaps, the first use of that odd formation in a fiction tale.

cover: Jim Lauier (June 1979)
1) The Rook: The Martians Are Coming, The Martians Are Coming! [Bill DuBay/Jim Starlin & Alfredo Alcala] 18p


cover & titlepage: Berni Wrightson (Nov. 1979)
 8) A Martian Saga [Nicola Cuti/Berni Wrightson] 6p   reprinted from Creepy #87 (Mar. 1977)

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